Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Who is frying what?

Holiday shopping is such an interesting activity- no one said.
I thought I was being very clever this year and shopped online for the few gifts I needed to purchase. I got my son an air fryer because he is really enjoying the instant pot he gave me last year. The fryer came and has been sitting in its box in my office.

Yesterday was my birthday. I woke to a very large box sitting on my dinning room table with a birthday card on top. Opening it I found an air fryer. Granted it was fancier than the one sitting in my office, but now there were two.

I told a couple of friends about my problem with the hope that someone would want to buy the smaller one. I really didn't want to take it back to the store, which is in Albuquerque. Later in the day I got a call from a friend who announced that she wanted it for her daughter and was fine with reimbursing me the amount I paid for it. It is now sitting in my trunk waiting for the exchange!

Apparently my Christmas shopping is not done!


  1. Great minds think alike! 🤗

    1. I guess! It's going to be funny when he takes off the wrapping paper for what I decided to get him. I cut the box down from his fryer and used it for his "new" gift.
