Sunday, May 22, 2016

It's the thought that counts

For Mothers Day this year my son decided to present me with the unusual gift of a new kitchen faucet. I'm serious! Just what every mother wants right? I guess it's the thought that counts.

 I have two other children who don't even communicate let alone give me gifts on Mothers Day or any other day, so I am grateful for the only one who cares.

When my son had time he took apart the old faucet and tried to connect the new one, but there was a problem. My pipes are so old that they are an odd size and didn't connect right. He needed a fitting not available in our small town to make it work. The old faucet went back on and the new one went back in its box waiting for a connection.

Yesterday he made a trip to Albuquerque to buy what he needed to complete the job. It took all day and four different Home Depot stores to get the fittings etc. that he thought he needed. Last night he removed the old faucet once again. Attached the fittings and cut off the pipe to the length he needed to finish the job.

Next he told me to turn the water back on. NO TURN IT OFF!

Water was going everywhere. The fitting wasn't the right size to fit tight enough. Apparently the pipe does not measure the same inside as it does outside.

Next he made another trip to our local Walmart to see if he could get something to solve the problem. He came back with a sealant that was supposed to work. He applied it and we waited the suggested hour before turning the water on.

When the time was up he told me to turn the water back on. I reluctantly followed his instructions and said a little prayer because he had already cut the old pipe and could no longer attach the old faucet.. Again he yelled TURN IT OFF!

This morning he is taking the pieces to a local store and making another try to get what he needs to make my Mothers Day gift of a new faucet work. I also have a call in to a plumber who probably won't get back to me until Monday. In the meantime we have no water.

I'm trying to keep in mind that its the thought that counts.

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