Friday, February 26, 2016

Note the warnings

How often do we get warnings of possible danger from the universe and simply ignore them? This happened to me about a week ago and it has taught me the hard way to not only pay attention, but act when I am warned.

There is a land phone sitting on my desk with its cord on the floor. I have lost count of the times I have caught my foot in the cord as I got up from the desk. One would think that I would have paid attention and moved the cord  to a safer height.  That never happened.

Apparently the universe got tired of warning and decided my time to pay the price for my ignorance had arrived. Yup- I not only caught my foot in the cord, but ended up on the floor across the room from the desk. It does not appear that I did any damage to my hip, but I can't say the same thing for my knee. It took the brunt of the fall and is causing intermittent pain in my leg. I have no one to blame but myself.

To make matters worse the pain has kept me from going to my grandson's basketball tournament, which wouldn't have been so bad except his team won, making them the 2016 city champions. The Lakers are an amazing team who have been almost unbeaten the whole season.

I would say I have more than paid for ignoring the universal warning. 

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