Friday, August 9, 2013

The best laid plans

The last few days have been an adventure in plans that don't work out the way I saw them. Makes me wonder yet again who is in charge of my life anyway! It often appears it isn't me.

A good example is my previous blog post about an article I wrote and submitted to the editor of our local paper regarding a problem with youth soccer. I had no doubt it would be published, but I expected it to be as a contributing correspondent article. It appeared as a Letter to the Editor. I suppose it really doesn't matter as long as the information was shared with the community.

Then there was an experience with my unpredictable grandson. Summer vacation is coming to a close and the family center where he usually spends his time is closed until school starts on August 13. The staff needs a vacation too. My little man has been moving around from person to person during the day, while his parents are working. He spent yesterday with me. He popped in a little before 8:00 a.m. and said he was hungry, even though he had already had breakfast. I fixed him turkey bacon, an egg , a mini bagel topped with mixed berry cream cheese and orange juice.

One would think that should hold him for awhile- wrong. About mid morning he decided he was hungry again. Raiding my refrigerator, he consumed an apple, broccoli and a handful of baby carrots dipped in blue cheese dressing. Perhaps he is going through a growing spurt. That would be good!

I took advantage of the extra help he provided and we later went to work dealing with the chipped paint on one side of my house; giving it a new paint job when we had finished. The job wasn't in my plans, but is something that really needed doing.

When my grandson left last night he said he would be back today. I had planned on some outside jobs we could do together. He ordered pancakes for breakfast. This morning came and he didn't show up. I began to worry and called his father at work to check on his whereabouts. He had decided to spend the day with a friend and forgot to call me. Relieved that nothing was wrong I began taking care of the little jobs I had seen us doing together. Again, not exactly how I had planned the day.

Oh well, as long as things get done I guess it doesn't matter how it happens.


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