Saturday, March 3, 2012


More and more I have been noticing that some of the people in my life are much like wildflowers. I did not plant them. They pop up all by themselves whenever they choose to do so. I have also noticed that their job appears to be to offer support, encouragement or maybe just an opportunity to look at a problem with a different view.

Several times in this past week I have run into people who have either read and liked one of my published books or remembered the column I wrote for our local newspaper. They have all asked the same question, "Have you written anything new?" It is my cue to answer, "As a matter of fact I have a blog that I love to write and I also have a couple of e-books on Amazon." These beautiful blossoms offer hope that possibly the things I write and have written and maybe will still write are passing on inspiration to those who read them.

After checking out the possibility for a part time job for Barnes and Noble at our college campus book store I stopped by the snack bar and spent some time talking to a long time friend that I had not seen for several months. Her previous job was as a hair dresser and she had cut my hair for years until she retired and began a new life. Only your hairdresser knows for sure is quite true of my relationship with my friend June. We have exchanged a lot of personal information over the years. After sharing the fact of my surgery last fall and that my family choose not to visit me during my hospital stay, June asked a bit upset, "Why didn't you call me I would have come to see you?" Again one of those beautiful wildflowers who just pop up when I need to know someone actually cares about me.

Just this morning I received an unexpected email message and photo from a friend who thought I needed a chuckle. This man I am quite sure is one of my special wildflowers, appointed to help me learn not to give up hope and not to forget to laugh. In his case he might just be a cat tail, but still they grow wild along the ponds of the river walk; one of my favorite places to explore.

Now that the wind has ceased to blow and the sun is once again bright and cheerful I give thanks for all of the wildflowers in my life. They are a colorful diverse bunch who always keep me hopeful of something better!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm... beautiful post, Barbara. Thank YOU for being a wildflower to me in this moment!

    Peace and blessings,
