Saturday, January 30, 2021

By any other name

Wow! Checking into the names of my family leads to an interesting path. It makes finding them on a complex journey. Follow along.

Laura Marie became Peggy as an adult. I'm still working on that one!

Florence Marie became Mary

Christopher Sean became Sean

Frank David became David

Charles Eugene became Eugene AKA Zig

No wonder I am having trouble finding people! Then their are the women who didn't change their maiden name when they married, complicating things even further. Of course, there are the children left over from previous marriages still carrying the last name of their fathers. Maybe we should just use numbers!

I remember when I choose the name for my only daughter, Christina (for a young Swedish princess who became a queen) and Marie (for both her paternal grandmother and maternal great grandmother), my grandfather said it sounded like the name for a cow! Really?

In my case I have always had a problem with my middle name, Loure`. It is French and most people can't pronounce it because of the accent mark over the e. It is correctly pronounced Lou ray. It is the actual spelling of my maternal grandmother's first name that was spelled wrong in the family bible.

That's the message for today from a member of a very mixed up family to the rest of the world. Have a great day! 

Oops I forgot my mother, Gertrude Ione became Ione. She apparently also had a problem with names as she used the last name of her step-father on her marriage certificate and my birth certificate. He never adopted her!

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