Friday, August 7, 2020

Just think about it

After not being able to use my internet or land phone for several days due to a Century Link problem I decided to use word and composed a little piece to add to my online group,"Let's Chat". The following is what I wrote to explain my absence from the group.

Missing from action

In case you haven’t noticed I have been missing from this group for the last few days. Although it was interesting to see what would happen it was not intentional. It seems Century Link decided it was time for me to take a break. Neither my internet nor my land phone had power. For the last five months, dealing with the pandemic, social media had been my main source of communication with the world at large. My dog and cats don’t talk that much!
Actually my phone wasn’t a great loss. It was a pleasant change not to deal with all the unwanted spam calls I had been getting. I do have a track phone for emergencies, but rarely use it. It is how I called for help from Century Link and was told it would be several days before they could fix the problem in the line.
As far as my computer goes I remembered that I could still use Word to write, which is how I am composing this piece. Where there is a will there is a way, they say. Even though I can’t use Netflix I can watch Hallmark movies on TV and I have a Kindle to catch up on the books I have stored there. Reading some of my word documents actually amazed me at how good they are and I once again asked myself- did I write that?
Before this new disaster, the first thing in the morning I would grab a cup of tea and check on what was happening on Facebook and the groups I belong to. That was a really hard habit to break. Instead, I turned on Good Morning America to see what was going on in the world. After viewing the horrible things that were occurring elsewhere I decided I could deal with the loss of the internet and my phone for a few days.
I also decided it was a good opportunity to see if anyone noticed that I was missing from action. I know my family wouldn’t. Perhaps this situation was simply to remind me that family is more than biology.
I accidentally noticed a day early that the Century Link line problem is fixed. Yay!! It’s great to be back!     

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