Thursday, September 13, 2018

What do you pray for?

I found this question very interesting. I really don't think it matters to whom or what you pray to. What matters is what you pray for.

I just saw a quote that led me to write this post. It was, "Don't pray for an easy life, pray for strength to accept anything that comes your way".

We as humans think we know it all and especially what is best for us. Try taking that attitude and see just how far that gets you! Someone is going to come along and  teach you who is in charge.

When I have a serious problem I usually pray for guidance and to be led to an entity who can help me improve my situation. Again, I don't believe it really matters who you direct your prayers to. There is after all only one entity in charge. I picture it as Santa and his elves. Santa couldn't possibly be tuned into everyone's request all of the time.  He would have a continual giant headache!

Just as the elves are there to help Santa, angels, Archangels, guides, guardian angels etc.are there to assist our Commander in Chief. He/she will get the message from someone. That's called faith; believing in things we can't see.

Whoever you pray to and for whatever reason just be careful what you pray for. I have personal knowledge that the universe has a unique sense of humor and we might get exactly what we ask for!

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