Saturday, September 5, 2020


 This has been an interesting week. I had three real conversations with three real people. Yes!

The first was Wednesday when I met with my chiropractor for an adjustment. In addition to what is going on with my body I learned about how her mother is doing. She is my age and apparently doing great with no signs of arthritis. When she came to this country she decided she didn't like the American diet and stuck to what had always worked for her. It's probably too late for me.

Next on Friday I had a great conversation with my hearing aid person. I had been having trouble with one and it needed adjustment. I had to laugh when he came into the room and asked if I liked eggs. Surprised, I laughed and asked if he had chickens. This led to a long conversation about his family when he was young and lived in Texas. Information was also added about his wife, who is a teacher. 

The third conversation was this morning when I had a hair appointment. My hairdresser is also an aid at one of our local elementary schools. We had a conversation about how difficult it is to work online, while trying to keep track of her own children. I like conversations with her because we seem to be on the same wave length and know some of the same people, especially children. Her nephew and my youngest grandson are friends and in the past played on the same basketball teams.

Most of my days are made up of conversations with my two cats and dog. They don't talk much. My oldest son, who lives with me doesn't talk much either! So it was a pleasant change to have three real conversations with three real people!


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