Sunday, February 25, 2018

An olive branch

You can offer an olive branch to someone, but whether or not the gift is accepted or acknowledged is not up to you. It doesn't even have anything to do with you. It has everything to do with the recipient.

Some people do not have the ability to forgive and prefer to live in the past. It is a sad place to reside and is often filled with negative energy. I remember a long ago message from Rev. Mary Morrisey about dragging Harry behind. At the time the image was funny, but it really isn't.

I also remember a message of my own from years past which was, once a gift is given it no longer belongs to the giver.

Considering myself a nice person I have the tendency to believe that everyone thinks as I do. That couldn't be more wrong and it gets me into a whole lot of trouble and causes me to hang on to negative energy long after the fact.

It would be a really boring world if everyone thought and acted exactly alike.

I am going to keep on offering an olive branch when I have the opportunity with the hope that it will be accepted. If not, well that's life isn't it?


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