Monday, April 9, 2012

Can flowers talk?

This morning as I was attacking some pesky weeds in my front yard I spotted a little red tulip blooming. It amazed me because it had been years since any of my tulips or daffodils had bloomed. It was also amazing because my yard is 100 X 200 feet and it is the only thing blooming, except for the blossoms on the fruit trees. I posted a photo on Facebook that I took, along with a comment about all the snow we had last winter. We had so much wet snow that it did terrible things to the shrubs and trees, bending branches to the ground. It also kept the ground very wet for weeks. A friend commented, “…and with all the complaining you did about the snow look what you got!” My response was, “I’m not sure that one little tulip blooming equals the two feet of snow that kept me a prisoner in my own house for two weeks”. In addition to being a prisoner it also caused serious damage to three ceiling in my house that I am just now being able to afford to have repaired. Hardly a fair exchange of energy I thought as I began to evaluate the picture. I also began to think of all the other not so nice things that I have survived in the last six months, beginning with emergency surgery and two weeks in the hospital, recovering at home alone, worrying about paying the related bills with no health insurance; then replacing a 35 year old furnace in the middle of the coldest winter we have had in years. Does the positive energy of one little tulip blooming really equal all that negative energy? I think not, but as I thought a little more my assessment of the situation began to change. Yes, all this stuff had happened, but guess what? I had survived it all and I hadn’t depended on one other person. I did it all by myself. What if that beautiful little tulip blooming my front yard just now is a universal acknowledgement of my efforts, bringing me the message that things are now going to get better? I’m not sure if flowers can talk, but I do know that God speaks in every language imaginable.

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