Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The lost is found

For the last five days my key ring has been missing. I thought I had looked everywhere. I knew they had to be somewhere between the garage and the inside of my house. Fortunately I had a second car key, but not the house keys. My son had copies made of those, but I was not comfortable having only one car key. I put off having one made because I knew those keys had to be somewhere. A friend with unusual vision had given me some hints, but we both thought they were somewhere in my car. Wrong!

By this morning I had really given up. In frustration I asked the universe to please tell me where the keys were. A little while later I moved my purse, sitting on top of a large book on the bottom of a rack next to my computer. Guess what? The key ring was dangling from the bottom of the rack. They had apparently fallen out of my purse.

Sitting at my desk looking at all these keys I thought, How can I avoid this happening again. I put the extra car key back in my wallet and added one of the house keys. I keep the extra car key there because I once locked the keys in my car. I also add an extra house key to my wallet. The rest of the house keys were stashed in a hiding place in the garage so I would never be locked out of my house.

Problem solved and the lost is found! 

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