Tuesday, November 30, 2021

New Neighbors

I just found out the house across the street, which has been vacant for several years, has been sold. I am really excited to meet my new neighbors. Since my house was moved to this lot from New Laguna, NM in 1980, there have been four different occupants in that house. I have no idea if the new owners are a family, a couple or a single person, but I can't wait to find out. I am in the mood for changes!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Answer this

I asked the members of my group, Answer This, a question and I would like to share my answer, The question was, Other than the current pandemic what events have you lived through? This was my answer,

Interesting what sticks out in ones mind. My first newsworthy event was World War II 1939-1945. I was two when it began and eight when it ended. Next was Alaska and Hawaii earning statehood in 1959. Then came the first manned space flight in 1961. The assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 is something I will never forget. My oldest son was about the same age as John Jr.. The beginning of social media in 1979 changed everyone's life. The last season of MASH in 1983 was viewed by a record number and ended eleven seasons. These are just a few that pop up in my mind.

 Since my 84th birthday is coming up in a few days I thought it was interesting to take a look back.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Waste not want not

If the turkey had known how many meals he would provide perhaps he wouldn't have minded giving up his life. After dinner my son carved the rest of the meat and left me the carcass. I Put it in a pot of water and let it simmer. This morning I peeled off the rest of the meat and added chopped onion and celery to the pot. When the fresh vegetables were done I added a cup of pasta and frozen vegetables. It is now cooling and will go in the refrigerator for either lunch or dinner tonight. It is no doubt good that I grew up in a time of waste not want not.

This reminds me of a time my mother made soup out of left over corn and an onion and called it cornion soup.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Who is cooking the turkey?

We almost had a disaster this year.I thawed an 18 Lb turkey which is sitting in my refrigerator. At 2:00 I asked my son how long it was going to take to cook it? I assumed he was cooking it on his grill. Wrong! He assumed I was cooking it in my oven. After quickly turning on the oven, getting out the roaster and rescuing the turkey, it is now in the oven. Dinner will be a little later than usual, but it looks like we will be having turkey. This will be a Thanksgiving I won't soon forget!

Happy Thanksgiving

 It's finally here- Thanksgiving! The next to the last family holiday of the year. I survived, even though my family mostly do not even acknowledge my existence.I appreciate those few who still do. I know I am not a bad person. I have spent my life doing for others. I am grateful for the many friends I have, some even from other countries. They make up for all of the unfair family relationships. We are on the verge of another year. I hope things will be better, but I am not counting on it. The best I can do is wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving 2021.

Monday, November 22, 2021

I want to run away!

I don't know what is going on. Every time my phone rings it is another spam call and every other post on Facebook is an ad trying to sell something.Maybe I should just change my phone number! 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rearranging things

I just spent some time rearranging family pictures. I am amazed at how long I kept someone in the position of number one. It was past time that the person took a back seat. Getting pictures up to date made me feel like I had accomplished something important. It seemed that time moved on and I didn't.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Another approach

Having several trees in my yard they are now producing leaves that are all over the ground. The other day I raked up what I could and waited for my son to help me put them in bags. Waiting doesn't get the job done I found. I was just about to do it myself when I noticed my son was using a leaf blower I didn't even know we had. He was sucking up the piles of leaves and depositing them in the humus pile. Who knew? It would have been nice to burn them, but we are under a burn ban due to the wind. At least the job is done for another year. I am happy that I have at least one child who is willing to help. Thanks Jeff! 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Another one bites the dust

One never knows what a day will bring. Noticing my dog making a fuss because someone was at the front door, I opened it to find a tightly wrapped, one page, printed letter from my my youngest grandson. This young man had been ignoring me for over a year and I didn't know why. His letter was an attempt to explain why. He apparently thinks I do not deserve to be part of his life. Okay! He is twenty and entitled to his own opinion. When I think back at all the things I have done for him it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. 

Anyway I have had several hours to digest his news and I can't believe I feel relief. I no longer have a need to feel responsible for him. He is on his own. He is responsible for himself and any decisions he makes. I am free at last.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A stitch in time

I love living in a small town where I know everyone. I noticed that my bathtub faucet was dripping and I listened to my intuition that told me to call my trusty plumber before it got worse. I did just that and placed a call this morning. This afternoon I got a call from my plumber that he was on his way to my house. I don't think this would have happened in a big city and I am sure the bill would have been much higher. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Change of plans

My Kindle is temporarily screwed up and my Facebook friends seem to all be busy. I just discovered that "Grace and Frankie" are showing season 7 on Netflix! Just goes to show if you wait long enough anything can happen.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Family holidays

We are almost in that part of the year that I dislike the most- family holidays. I suppose I would look forward to it if I actually had a family who cared. I almost have none. To make up for that I try to give to others. I have Christmas cards ready for the residents of our local Good Sam Center, I  have given baby caps and blankets to the hospital maternity room and donated a couple of adult beanies to the community. It helps, but it isn't enough. I wish I had the money to do more, but I don't.

I know the next few weeks will pass but it still makes me wonder what I did to cause my family to pretend that I don't exist. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Okay I got my booster shot on Monday. After debating I decided it was better than being in the hospital or worse. This time we only had to sit for fifteen minutes to see if anything would happen. I am still wondering what they were waiting for. I was not thrilled with the nurse who administered the shot. Unlike the first two it hurt going in. My arm was also very sore the next day. I didn't feel great on Tuesday, but that's the chances you take with any injection. At least with the mask I have done everything possible to avoid getting sick.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Not yet

This morning I got up early in preparation for getting my booster shot. Arriving at my doctor's office I was told I was not on the schedule for today. I said, "Not again! This is the second time this has happened". Apparently my response got some notice. I was given another appointment for Monday morning. This is really a little odd as I really wanted it for Monday anyway.

Secondly my son was supposed to be off for a weeks camping vacation this morning. I waited and waited for him to get his act together and leave. Finally at almost noon he left, saying he didn't know he had somewhere to be at a certain time. Well, maybe not, but I was waiting to start MY vacation. I am looking forward to not having to cook for anyone but myself for a week and doing exactly what I feel like doing.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Time for a change

After 40 years going to the same eye doctor it is finally time for a change. He retired! Because of my age I now need yearly eye exams to be able to renew my drivers license. This year I am more than happy to do that. I hate my current glasses, including the frames. I am really looking forward to starting out with someone and something new and tossing out something that doesn't work.