Wednesday, March 10, 2021

One down

I had my first inoculation yesterday. I was impressed with how organized Presbyterian Medical was. The staff in charge were very friendly and answered all questions from the participants. It was a little annoying that the first step was answering questions on a four page document, but I suppose it was necessary. We were all given an appointment card to get the second shot, which answered one of the questions I had, and didn't have to ask.

After waiting the required 15 minutes, to see if any side affects developed, we were escorted out of the building through whatever door was closest to where we parked. I have been using this provider for 30 years and still get confused how to exit, since the renovation of the building, a couple of years ago. 

This morning my arm is slightly sore, but that is pretty much all that is different.

If I hadn't got that call asking if I wanted the vaccine I probably would not have realized it was time. I had been holding off because I was waiting to see if it was safe. As I have said before, I had mixed feelings regarding the subject. 

This morning I also realized I am tired of hiding from the world. If getting the vaccine is going to allow me to mingle at large, without fear, it is time to move on. I have friends who still won't make that move, but that is their right and there decision.

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