Friday, June 22, 2018

In God's hands

I did it! I sent my short story manuscript to a children's magazine. This is a first for me. Now I have to wait to see if they will accept what I am offering. There is that nasty word again- patience!

In preparation I added 231 words to the original story that was written about five years ago about my youngest grandson. Although it showcases his life it is still fiction. The process of adding words reminded me of my experience for my first book manuscript, Wake Up!  The publisher asked me to write what was to be on the back cover. I sent it and was then told to cut it in half. Seriously?

In preparation for my new manuscript I shared it with a friend who has a reading group ages 6-12. I needed feedback from children. Interestingly, it is the exact age of the reading age for the magazine I chose. The response was great and even included several teachers. Apparently everyone loved the story. I laughed when I was told the group had shouted in unison it needed an end. So to comply with their wishes I added "the end for now" to the manuscript. As I did that the thought that possibly this wasn't the end to the journey of my story popped up in my mind.

Anything could happen as the song suggests, whatever will be will be.With further editing it could still be a children's book sometime in the future. I believe my grandson would still like a shot at illustrating the story and my dream of it being a joint venture would then be realized. 

The conclusion is in God's hands I just need to do my part to make it happen.

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