Sunday, April 20, 2014

We've always done it that way

I saw those words on facebook this morning and it made me laugh. I wonder how many times have I said or thought "we've always done it that way"?

This being Easter weekend I scanned back through past years when I did buy those words and followed suit right behind everyone else that I knew. The new clothes, coloring eggs, hot crossed buns, church services, family dinners and all the rest.

This year as in recent past years I didn't do it that way. Living with two cats and a dog for company causes one to be individually creative. Perhaps I just got tired of being a sheep.

On Good Friday a spirited friend suggested reading the book, A Million Steps by Karl Koontz. It is a first hand account of his journey through Camino de Santiago. As I have two fiends, including the person who made the suggestion, who will soon be taking this journey I purchased the Kindle edition of the book. Reading the book over Easter weekend was the best gift I could have given myself.

At first I was fearful that the book would be dry, containing too many details. I was so wrong! It was so expertly written that I felt as if I was taking the journey with the author. It also offered photos taken along the way. As I will never be able to make such a journey I am very grateful that I listened and took advantage of what was being offered.

Tradition states the first third of the journey is for the body, the second third for the mind and the last third for the soul.

As the book unfolded I could see that the Comino journey is exactly like living a human life. Although our destination is the same; our method of travel, our relationships, the nourishment we choose, the clothes we wear, our reactions to experiences are totally up to each individual.

Even though I may have followed like a sheep in the past this year I chose for my Easter experience to do what was best for my own spiritual growth.

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