Wednesday, March 13, 2024

write a letter

I saw something on Facebook yesterday that I decided to follow. It was if you didn't have a chance to say goodbye to someone deceased write them a letter. My mother was in a coma when I last saw her. The nurse said. "tell her you love her, she will hear you". For several reason I didn't follow her instructions. She died in 1987 and it has bothered me every since. So I took the Facebook suggestion and wrote her a letter. I then rolled it up and set it on fire. Afterward I felt much better. I am not sure if it helped her, but it helped me.

Along the same lines, I wrote my daughter a letter. She had refused to communicate for 13 years and even moved to another State without telling me. I noticed that she has never changed her email address so After I wrote the letter I sent it to her as a message. Someday she will read it and possibly change her mind about me. It is the only thing I could do as nobody would give me her current address.

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