Monday, June 7, 2021


I have two major errands this morning. First I need to go to the grocery store and pick up some things for the canned food drive for our local pantry. I figure soup, fruit and vegetables should do it for now. I am sure there are a lot of people in our town that are hungry. I hope someone has a can opener!

Next on my list is the county office to show proof of my age. Having obtained a permanent excuse removing me from jury duty several years ago, due to age, I was angry to have received a new jury summons in the mail. It will be interesting to find out who or what is responsible for this.

Another errand may include dropping off baby blankets and caps to the maternity department of our local hospital. Because of COVID it has been difficult to find a way to deposit them. I know we still have babies being born and I have been told the new mothers appreciate the gifts I make.

So that's my morning. We will see what else happens today to make it interesting. I know there are weeds calling my name, but I am trying to ignore them!

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