Friday, March 9, 2018

A soulmate connection

Just recently I had a conversation with a new friend about soulmates. I'm not sure how spiritual she is but she listened to what I had to say on the subject.

First one has to accept the concept of reincarnation, which I do without question.

Several years ago I thought that we only have one soulmate. After a conversation with a friend I changed my mind. I now believe we have many soulmates who appear throughout our life when we need a little extra help. I also believe it is a prearranged agreement made long before we entered this life. I can go back in my life and pick out those souls who were my soulmates, even though I didn't recognize the term at the time.

As it was explained to me by my former friend, a soulmate is a soul that was closest to us at the time we were first conceived. I have noticed lately that they are also referred to as members of our tribe. That makes total sense to me. They are the souls who enter our lives to assist us with spiritual growth and understanding.

I do believe we all have what is referred to as a twin flame soulmate. It is the closest relationship we have. These two souls do not always share a conscious connection and when they do it could produce some negative experiences to assist in the learning process. They can act as a mirror to help us recognize negative traits that we still need to work on.

I actually had that experience and it was very frustrating because the other soul did not or could not acknowledge that we were twin flame soulmates. It was eventually necessary to let the relationship go because we were never going to see eye to eye and we were hurting each other. Forgiving was possible when I realized that the experience was prearranged and meant to be.

Possibly in our next life our twin flame relationship will be more positive. Apparently I will just have to wait and see what happens.

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