Saturday, April 15, 2017

To extend a hand or not

All through life there are people we come across who need assistance. Of course, it would be impossible to help them all. There are a few instances that stand out in my mind and I am asking myself what made me choose those particular souls to help. For some time I have been aware that I have very strong intuition and I know it is the voice of my soul. Some refer to it as an inner voice. Whatever its name perhaps that is what sends up a flag to my conscious mind to help a particular person in need.

I am going to share a few such stories, not to spout off how generous I am, but to try to figure out just what pushes that little button in my mind that says- help this one please.

For the second time in as many months two different Facebook friends have needed financial assistance and without giving it a moment's thought I have donated what I could afford to their causes. I have been friends with both of these people for several years, although I have only briefly connected with one in person. I have over a hundred online friends and there are only a few that I would quickly rush to their assistance. Why, I wonder? I would consider both of these friends members of my spiritual tribe. Maybe that's it? Maybe not.

I don't always know the person. There is just something about them that gets my attention and causes me to help. One such experience occurred as I was having lunch with a female friend. Our waiter was a very nice young man who was feeling quite desperate as he related his personal story to us. His wife was ill, they were not getting any help, they had little money, the restaurant would be closing soon etc. What really got me was he had lost faith and was ready to give up. He didn't ask for anything, but as we were leaving I put a large amount of money in an envelope and left it for him with a note. I have no idea what caused me to do that, but I have never been sorry that I did. I never saw him again, but I hope it helped a little to restore his faith in humanity.

Another instance of not knowing the person happened outside of Walmart. A lady was asking for help. I usually ignore these people, but there was something about her that made me stop. I didn't offer her money but I did take her into the store and bought groceries for her and her family. I also ended up taking her into town and deposited her at the motel where they were staying. She said her husband was out of work and they were stuck. As it turned out I needed some yard work done and ended up paying her husband to do it for me the next day. He worked fast and did an excellent job. Again I never saw these people again.

I am no closer to an answer to my question than I was when I began my story. Perhaps extending a hand or not is not entirely in my hands. I have always believed our Creator is a giant people user.

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