Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Recently a friend was impressed with the message found at the top of my blog. Everyone leaves footprints as they walk on their assigned path and you never know who you might inspire by sharing your experiences. It pretty much explains what my blog is all about. It began with the desire to share the simple things that happen on any given day of my life. Nothing extraordinary just ordinary experiences.

 I believe we are all living the life of a human to share our experiences in whatever manner we can. It helps to know that we are not alone in the challenges we deal with. During this season of Lent it reminds me that the real stories shared in the Bible by other people are not so different from the challenges we deal with today. It serves as a guide and helps us remember that we are not alone.

Over the years of writing and sharing my thoughts more than one person has chosen to extract me from their life, but that is alright. If what I wrote caused them to think for themselves that was a good thing.

So I am going to continue sharing my thoughts and giving thanks for everyone whom I might inspire to do the same.

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