Friday, July 21, 2023

Use you brain

We have been trying to deal with close to 100 degree temperatures without air conditioning. My son had someone come to give us an estimate. It would cost several thousand dollars, which I don't have. There is a swamp cooler siting on my roof that hasn't been used for several years because it kept overflowing. There was no way I was going to climb up on the roof, even if I could fix it. I knew I had to do something before we died of heat stroke.

I called Chavez Plumbing to see if they could work on it. I had used them for years for plumbing problems, but I didn't expect a call back within two hours. Demetrio Chavez was at our door and within an hour or so had the swamp cooler running. It apparently pays to know people! The cold air feels great and I am sure the dogs appreciate it as much as we do. I didn't have a problem paying the $300 it cost as opposed to several thousand it would have cost for an air conditioner.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Old and new

 You never know what you will find when you scan old stuff. I forgot about this old post written by a friend. I think my answers then are pretty much still true.

July 23, 2010

Aging Gracefully with Consciousness

This week's Beauty of the Week is Barbara Loure`Gunn.  Barbara is 72-years-old and has a very big heart. Her goal is to inspire others to be the best that they can be by sharing her experiences. She is the mother of three, a grandmother, and a twenty-year cancer survivor. One of her passions is writing her blog Subconscious Messages. She is also the author of the books A Gathering of Spirit, and Wake Up!

Barbara has this to say about aging gracefully:

What keeps me young?

Ignoring the fact that my birth certificate says I’m 72.

Hanging out with souls of all ages, especially the young.

Regular exercise, walking is free.

Eating healthy (mostly), I seldom eat red meat, fried or processed food.

Most important is honesty and a sense of humor.

What motivates me?

Being grateful for the gift of life.

A “conscious “quest to use every opportunity to evolve my soul.

A desire to share my experiences through my published books and inspirational blog.

My three children were born over a 20 year period so I believe I have earned the right to do whatever I want whenever I want to do it.

Barbara you absolutely have!

Thank you so much for being this week's Aging Beauty :-)

Saturday, July 15, 2023

One thing leads to another

Well my son and his dog returned from their three week tour of the U.S. Next all the furniture had to be removed from the living room and dinning room to prepare for laminate flooring. I was sick of the carpet and decided to replace it. It was more expensive than expected but I don't intend to have to do it again. Now my son needs to replace the molding. That should be fun! We already ordered new heat vent covers. Let's see another new project is to recover the carpet on the front steps. Thank goodness nothing needs painting at the moment. I already painted the garage door last week. Well that's about it for now. It's really hard to believe this house was purchased in 1976.

Friday, July 7, 2023

In other words

After reading my newest Kindle story, The Bad Parents, I have a new name for my first husband of thirteen years. For years I referred to him as a womanizer. It seemed to fit. He went from one female to another. I remember his best man telling me, "Good Luck" at the wedding. I should have listened. Anyway a better name for him would be "Serial Cheater". We divorced in 2000 and he died in 2008. I didn't do it! 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Another idea

I have been wondering who the spirit is that seems to be looking over my shoulder. It has become an obsession. In mentioning it to a friend yesterday, she said what does it matter who it is? It is about love. I have always had a problem with love. But when I thought about it I saw that she was right. I have connected with a spirit from another place because that spirit, whoever he/she is, cares about me and is trying to help me evolve. I guess one could say that is about love.