This path is yours
In sending an email to a friend yesterday I realized again that even though we all come from the same source we all have our own path to walk. It is not for us to know what lessons and experiences each of us has mapped out. It is only our job to walk our own path to the best of our ability to evolve our own soul.
Another friend posted a request this morning that people say a prayer for all those who are suffering from cancer. Because of losing the love of his life to the disease he is on a path to make others aware. When I read his post my first thought was, “God how can you make little children suffer and die from cancer?” Then I immediately followed that with, “Wait you aren’t making anyone do anything you are simply allowing it”.
Although it is horrible that children are dying, whose fault is it? Could it possibly be the environment or the food they choose to eat? There is a huge difference between now and when I was a child, or even when I raised my children. Today I look at things my oldest son keeps in the refrigerator to drink and snack on and I think, “Didn’t I teach you anything about what’s healthy?” He isn’t alone though because I know I eat way too much sugar.
From the moment we take our first breath to the moment we take our last we walk on our assigned path and no two are exactly alike. If we could all learn to take responsibility for ourselves and accept each other as is perhaps the world would be a friendlier place to reside.