Friday, August 23, 2024


Trees really intrigue me. To watch a tiny seed grow into a strong tree is amazing. Just like people every tree seems to have its own personality and purpose for living.

here is a black walnut tree in my backyard that began its life in a coffee can in Laguna,NM. When we moved to Grants in 1980 my mother-in-law gave it to us to plant in our new yard. We chose to plant it next to the newly constructed playhouse my father-in-law and then husband built for our daughter. This tree is the last to sprout leaves in the spring and the first to lose them in the fall. Also in the fall it has the annoying habit of dropping black walnut shells all over the ground. I have yet to find a use for them. One of the neat things about this particular tree is the way one of its branches has reached out to protect the little playhouse. Several people have wanted to cut the branch off, but I won't allow it. I believe the tree would be severely injured if we did.

There are two trees at the Riverwalk that have always caught my attention. The first is a willow tree, my very favorite of all trees. They are so strong, yet very graceful. To me they symbolize the traits of an ideal female. I like the way this tree leans forward as if contemplating taking a drink from the pond.

The second Riverwalk tree has special significance for me because the very first spirit picture I took in 2000 can be found in the cement near its roots. The trunk of this tree seems to have two parts. One is strong and one is more fragile. To me it represents a perfect relationship. Each part had the freedom to grow on its own without interference from the other. Each bringing its own qualities, making he union strong. 

The last tree in my list is a tree found at the magnificent sand bluffs. It stands proud and tall right in the middle of all that rock. It has a view of the lava beds below and greets visitors who have come to admire God's art work. It always causes me to believe that anything is possible given the right conditions.

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