Monday, August 26, 2024

Memories of summer

In the past few years the only memories of summer that I have involve trying to control the weeds on my property.This time of year is when I tell myself I don't need a half acre of land and I should sell what I have and move. So far it hasn't worked out that way and I seem to be stuck right where I am, hoe and rake in hand every summer.

My memories of childhood summers focus mainly on spending time with my grandparents. I think my parents were always happy for the last day of school so they could get rid of me and my younger brother. Summers were sleeping in and waking up yo waffles or pancakes topped with my grandmother's applesauce, eating the fruit form their orchard. enjoying my grandfather's beautiful garden, swimming, trips to the beach to dig clams and picking wild blackberries, were favorite summer memories.

From my grandmother I learned many secrets to cooking and how important friends are. She also taught me more than a little bit about giving, both material things and time to those who needed assistance. I remember many trips to the Masonic Home at Zeneth and the Children's Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle to drop off items that she had canned, baked or expertly created with her knitting needles. That may have rubbed off because as an adult I have donated many hours as a volunteer to schools and groups. One of my favorite memories is sitting next to her on the couch gradually unrolling a ball of yarn while she worked on a project.

Fromm my grandfather I learned that speech is not necessary to get your point across. He was a hard working man who never stopped until a job was done. My favorite memory of him is that every morning he gave my grandmother a fresh rose from his garden. Not so favorite memories are my first sight of a chicken running around with its head cut off and the time that he intentionally drowned some baby kittens. I am sure he had his reasons, but I had a hard time forgiving him for the later experience.

Summer memories at home included watching the annual hydroplane boat races on Lake Washington, riding bikes with my pesky brother, lighting lady finger firecrackers along the railroad tracks, collecting and selling beer bottles to have money for the Saturday movie where we befriended some of the greats like; Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and the Sons of the Pioneers and my personal favorites; Mitzi Gaynor, Jane Powell, Gene Kelly and Dan Daily. And I can't forget Jose Iturbi who taught me to appreciate classical music,

As with any memory, they weave a web that helps create who we later become. Having a chance to go back in time reminded me that my summer memories are not so bad after all. I see that I had some really great teachers along the way.

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