Friday, August 9, 2024

Out of the box

If you have an impressive title following your name does it make you any more important than anyone else or does it just put you in a box with like people?

Obviously some jobs generate more income than others. For instance, a small town doctor is not going to earn as much as a big city doctor who adds a specialty. These extra titles mean a lot financially, but in many cases the cost of obtaining it will never be repaid.There are a lot of unemployed college educated people out there today in the same boat as those who don't have humongous school loans to pay off.

Titles are funny. I recently spent time on the phone trying to find out why my internet service was cutting out.I finally gave up and told the person to send a repairman as soon as possible. I was told that a "technician" would be sent. I was told the same thing when I had a furnace problem. Apparently there are no more repairman. Trash collectors once picked up my garbage now are called sanitary engineers.

This started me thinking about the jobs I have held during my life and their titles, most of which had little pay attached. My first job while still in high school, was a sales clerk at a local dime store, followed by a file clerk for the Teamsters Health & Welfare department. Then the bigger one came along: I was a wife and mother for 40 years, now referred to as a domestic engineer (long hours no pay). During this time I held jobs as a Cub Scout Den Mother and a Mother Advisor for International Order of Rainbow for Girls, costumer for a theater group.

Other job titles were:Independent Avon Representative, Independent Contractor for two marketing companies, Resource Development Coordinator for a nursing home, columnist, Recreational Aide. The variety of titles I have held probably don't mean much to most people and granted would be too much to put on my grave marker, but they describe who I was and who I am. Job titles don't make me any better or any worse than anyone else. My current job title is Motivational Writer and allows me many hours of freedom to spend as much time as I please doing whatever makes me happy. It allows me to get out of the box built by others and be the me I came here to be.




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