Thursday, August 22, 2024


A scar is a reminder of a real or imagined injury that one has survived. Physical scars heal in time. Emotional scars are another matter and sometimes never completely heal. From the moment we take our first breath to our last our body is a vessel holding our personal scars.

How skillfully we learn to deal with our temporary wounds is rewarded by our involvement. I believe one of the reasons we inhabit this planet called earth is to rise above the hurt of living and remember who we really are; a soul striving to experience and share pure love. This is not an easy task considering how many road blocks are plopped on our path.

Although it has been said that we are never given more than we can handle I sometimes wonder about that. I look around at the challenges that have been given to others and I often question the why of their experiences. Some people believe we should never question our Creator as that is the ultimate source of wisdom. I do not think we were created to be robots that simply follow along. I have found that asking questions is one of the best ways to acquire knowledge and grow.

During my life I have experienced three major surgeries, all leaving physical scars. They do not compare to the invisible scars left from negative experiences and relationships. Some of those scars never had a chance to heal because, like picking a scab, I kept dwelling on the wound that originally caused them.

Lack of respect, abandonment, name calling, being ignored and bullying are all wounds we allow others to inflict on us and they can cause major scaring to our being. The person sometimes gives up and takes their life, ending the struggle. Many times that could have been avoided if just one caring soul had noticed their pain and offered assistance.

When the time is right we are often given unexpected opportunities to heal the wounds of our past; however, choosing to accept them is entirely up to us. Every wound leaves a scar. Perhaps the injury exists to give others a chance to care and express their love, and the scar is a reminder for us to learn the lesson offered.

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