Saturday, August 17, 2024

Follow the light

One day I took a pad and pencil to the park intending to write down my thoughts. As I glanced upward into the evening sky, images began parading in front of a lacy see through cloud. Then I saw a very bright light emerging from the center. It produced a pipeline that touched the hood of my car on the drivers side.

Pale prism colors of green and pink were spaced here and there on the light, slightly resembling a ladder. A pale green aura framed its length on both sides. The image gave off a sense of peaceful energy and quietly commanded my attention.

The next night as I was driving through town the light reappeared and again attached itself to my car. This time it was pure white and appeared much brighter, as if the source was demanding that I pay attention. It was like a parent who at first spoke quietly and was then was forced to raise their voice saying, "Listen to me!"

On the third night  I followed the light and became so intrigued that it seemed as though someone else was doing the driving. There was no fear, only simple faith that what I was following was all good. A feeling of warmth filled me up. Even though it sometimes seems that nobody appreciates what I am doing I believe God took unusual measures to assure me that he does and is lighting my path.

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