Wednesday, August 28, 2024


It is difficult to write about something that is pretty much foreign to me. I feel like I am thriving not surviving. I'm wondering just how my life got to this point? It is a bit peculiar, considering my only income is Social Security.

Just a few years ago I was fussing and fuming because I couldn't find a part time job to help with bills. I blamed everyone, but mostly myself because I chose to be a stay at home mom and did not get a formal education beyond high school. I didn't really stop learning, I just didn't continue a formal education. I still remember my mother's words, "You don't need college unless you want a career." Well, I didn't at the time. A little push in the right direction would have been helpful mom.

I suppose as a result of childhood experiences I have never lived beyond my means. That philosophy got pulled in a slightly different direction during my two marriages of 40 years duration. I have been able to gradually go back to my core beliefs, since my last divorce. If I don't have the money for something I figure I don't need it. I never run up charge accounts that I won't be able to repay in a reasonable amount of time. 

I check out food ads for sales and take advantage of having a freezer, eating in rather than eating out, except when I am in the mood for something I don't fix at home, like Chinese cuisine. I have recently begun tossing most of the sale catalogs almost before they enter my house. Clutter drives me crazy.

There are those who might think these measures spell poor, but there really isn't anything that I do without. Oh sure, it would be nice to take a vacation, but I can go anywhere in the world through my Facebook friends without spending a penny.

I enjoy making a game of seeing how much money I can save before my next Social Security check comes. My bills always get paid first, of course Actually I have more money in my bank account now than at any time during the last few years so I must be doing something right. Focusing on thriving instead of surviving makes a huge difference in attitude.

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