Monday, August 5, 2024


Poetry was never my favorite thing, but one day someone said, "poetry is just a different way of telling a story". There are many different kinds of poetry: rhyming, non-rhyming, pros, free verse, open verse,anything, any length, acrostic and Haiku.Anyway you write it, words are important. They show emotion, movement and can give objects a voice. My favorite poems are called Haiku. They are simple and fun to write.They only have 3 lines, written about any subject. Line one has 5 syllables, line two has 7 and line 3 has 5. These are syllables not words! You can use your fingers to count them. It isn't a math class!


I wake reluctant (5)

Too cold to get out of bed (7)

But I have to pee (5)


From a 4th grader:

Five syllables here

Seven more syllables there

Are you happy now?

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