Saturday, August 10, 2024

Little Bird with a Message

One summer day, while walking on a hill overlooking my small town, I witnessed an amazing vision. Noticing a little bird by the edge of the hill, I watched as it began ascending into the sky. It reminded me of Richard Bach's "Jonathan Livingston Seagull". The bird flew in large circles acquiring height with each rotation. I was surprised I could still see it from where I was standing.

As it reached a far off mesa, the little bird dipped slightly and gracefully touched the edge of a nearby cloud with its wing, before disappearing from my view.

My eyes automatically moved to the cloud and my mind could hardly believe what it saw. It was the head of a bearded man, slightly tilted back, looking up or out. His eyes were set back in their sockets as if not really needed. His face, although kind, was rugged. In my heart I knew who he was.

Around the time of this event I had been going through a period of spiritual growth, often leaving me confused and sometimes frightened. Months later I understood the message the little bird had revealed to me. It was God in the form of Jesus telling me not to worry, everything was going exactly as planned.

Since that day I have taken numerous photographs containing spirit images which I have gladly shared with others, but this image was unique. It was a special message shared between God and me.

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