Saturday, July 27, 2024


Have you ever wondered if you grew up in the right family? For some time I have. I have wondered if babies were mixed up in the hospital It could happen! Perhaps the parents and brother I thought were mine really were not. That's an interesting question. Being born in a small hospital in Ketchikan, Alaska I would think it is more than possible. All my life my mother claimed I was premature. My birth certificate states, full term.When I asked my grandmother about that years later, her response was I was the healthiest premature baby she had ever seen. I just don't have the feelings for my parents or brother that I should have. BTW they are all deceased now, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I will always believe that there is something wrong.

 A few years ago someone popped up that is the daughter of a baby boy given up for adoption by my maternal grandmother. My grandfather was not the father. I believe the baby was the result of an incest relationship, but I can't prove it. That would certainly account for the fact that the baby was given up for adoption though. Like my birth, it is something that will probably never be proven. 

Stuff happens in every family that makes one wonder what is true and what is not.

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