Thursday, July 11, 2024


The most fertile place to plant a seed is in the heart. The American dream of building a business takes a lot more than money. It also takes courage, a stick to it attitude and a giving heart. Lisa may not run the printing press, but she is the heart of the business. She is the first and last person sen by customers. She believes customers are always right, even when they aren't.

Five years ago, she and Rudy took a chance on their American dream. Despite opposition, they broke away from jobs with an established business to do their own work, their way. She lived in Grants, NM most of her life. He, as a teenager, made a bad lifestyle choice and ended up as a resident of Springer Boys School. He took one look at the print shop there and decided he wanted to be a printer. 

Springer teaches their students a wide choice of trades to steer them in a positive direction when they leave. There is a 90 percent return rate, so those who have turned their life around become role models. For several years he was tossed back and forth between employers. They fought over his knowledge and talent. Lisa knew nothing about the printing business and agreed Rudy taught her everything.

Their first venture on their own was a little building with the barest of equipment. They used to wait for the phone to ring to verify they were really in business. The next step was a shop on the east side of Grants, gradually adding more equipment and experience. The jobs became bigger and bigger until they outgrew their space and found their present location.

Teamwork is their key to success. Everyone has a job and the printing job is not finished until the last person is finished. They are learning to recognize their limitations and when to say no. Their top priority is personal attention to their customers and the pride they take in the quality of their work.

In the printing business there is something called printer's triangle, which is good, fast, or cheap, pick two. Their goal is to stay out of the triangle. They like to involve the customer in the creation of their own printing project. They believe education is important whether you are the customer or the owner. It is the only way to keep up with new technology. They try to stay on the cutting edge of the business to give customers the best product for their money.

The couple enjoys helping interested young people learn about the printing business. They also actively support many community groups. They believe spirit is what makes or breaks any business. Positive future plans are to merge what they have learned with new ideas that will expand their American dream.They may eventually construct their own building.

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