Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Before I begin this story I want to remind readers that the book "Spirits of Cibola County" was written and published in 2011. The subjects may not hold the same jobs or are possibly deceased. I feel their stories are still important.

When God gives you a child to parent, He expects you to fill in for Him.Fathers can be mothers too. Much has been said about females juggling a career, wifedom and motherhood, while managing to be good role models for the community. Little is said about the lone male, who juggles a career, fatherhood and motherhood and is a good role model for the community.

John, the executive producer of 7 Cities Productions, is such a male. He is the biological father of five and also helped raise nine stepchildren due to divorce or death of their mothers. At a young age John learned the importance of family from his mother, due to the early death of his father. Working hard to keep his family together has always been his priority. Life has not always been easy, trying to work and be a father and mother at the same time.

One of John's daughters was in a body cast for nine months as a result of being hit by a car on the way to school. His son, friends and neighbors helped out when necessary. They learned to count on each other. He said he always told them the truth.

Speaking of the truth, John was also an abused husband. He almost lost his life when wounded at the hands of a wife, aiming a loaded gun at him. With strong faith, a sense of humor and determination he became the glue that kept his children together.

In the 1980's he had a well paying job, which left him very little time to spend with his children. His first vacation was a memorable one. He and four of his children took off for Disneyland in an old pickup truck with patchwork paint. Having little money, they ate and slept in the truck. They would buy a box of cereal and enough milk so they wouldn't waste it. He built a frame with a tarp for protection from the weather. They slept in sleeping bags. John believes it was one of the best vacations they ever had.

In 1990 family problems arose. One of his children had adopted an unhealthy lifestyle and he was afraid the others might follow in his footsteps. With three children still school age, John decided to accept a less demanding job in Washington State. Soon after the move, he suffered a work related back injury, which required surgery. The injury left him disabled. John returned to New Mexico two years later.

A strong connection with his church put him in a position to become involved in TV land. His church needed to put programs on local television and wanting to help, he bought a camcorder and began filming. John found he had natural talent which gained the attention of the executive producer. He was offered his own show and given an opportunity to become a partner.

He took over as executive producer in 1999. His goal is to do whatever is necessary to help the community grow. John wants to honestly present shows, merging new ideas with old. He feels there are people with vision in the community that he wants to connect with.

John is very proud of all of his children and he believes he needed them as much as they needed him. What a shame there isn't a Parent Day card for those who do just that, whatever their sex. 



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