Friday, July 5, 2024

Cibola Images

Well screw everything I will just use what I have!

The contents of this post began around 2000 when I started interviewing local friends and residents of Cibola county. It was well before I knew a good portion of the stories would be published in our local newspaper. I just kept writing and they kept getting published. I recently asked myself what makes me happy? The answer was being a motivational writer and photographer. No surprise there.

Besides four years as a columnist, I also led adult and children's writing groups, in person and online. I was a paid Foster Grandparent, a product demonstrator at Walmart, a costumer and was the Resource Development Coordinator for our local nursing home..I wrote and published two hard cover books and four Kindle books, some of my photographs have placed at our local County Fair. 

I almost forgot I survived two ex-husbands, now deceased and raised three children over a twenty year period.

Now I am looking for a new way to share the individual life stories I wrote. I really do believe that sharing our experiences can inspire others, so the purpose of this blog will change as of now. I will be featuring the life stories, one at a time and occasionally post a photo. I will also share the blog contents on Facebook. 

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