Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Have fun!

Monday I had a short make up session with my new councilor, Monica. It's difficult to squeeze much into 30 minutes, but we used it to catch up. I left with the instructions to spend the next week having fun. Easy for her to say!

W hat does that word fun mean I wonder?

I remember years ago someone asked me what I did for fun and I had no answer. Apparently I mostly take things much too seriously. Thinking back on my life that is probably true. I have always been the responsible one. Responsible for things that were no doubt not my responsibility to be responsible for. That was a mouthful!

That job probably began as a young child when I took responsibility for my parents having to get married because my mother was pregnant with me. A few years ago I read somewhere that babies in the womb can pick up vibrations from those close to them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if I did that. I've always been an observer. Then came my brother thirteen months later and I took responsibility for him too. Nobody asked me to, I just did. It was something he didn't appreciate very much and as adults we were never very close. He died in 2008.

My life moved on to wifehood and motherhood and I never realized I was not having fun in the roles.

Now that I am on my own due to divorce, spousal deaths etc. I am free to find things that are fun. My ego is saying, "Good luck with that lady!"

The two things that I really love doing are cooking and writing. Getting together with my grandson is also right up there on top, but being a teenager he has other priorities now.

This week I have tried to come up with some new recipes. The other night we had a tuna casserole, using instead of tuna some smoked salmon. It turned out really tasty. Well except for the fact it had a few bones I didn't notice. It was fun picking them out! Tonight I am attempting to make shrimp tacos with instructions from a friend. I've never had them before and it will be fun finding out if we like them. I'm betting we will!

Today I have been thinking of things in the past that I have enjoyed doing. I noticed that next  month there is a local talent show scheduled at the college and I put it on my calendar. I really need to start getting out more, perhaps meeting some new people.

I also thought back a few years to when I formed an adult writing group I began thinking of what worked and what didn't. I also made a list of places that might work, free of course, because I don't want to charge the participants. The idea of starting another group is actually appealing to me and I just might make it a reality in a month or so.

Oh and I almost forgot that my son put Netflix on my computer and I have been having fun watching some movies. That counts right?

So that is the start I am making to try and put some fun in my life. I'll let you know how that goes.

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