Sunday, October 13, 2024

Remembering a question.

After viewing the damage done in Florida it reminded me of a question a Priest once asked. The question- If your house was burning down what would you take with you (except pets etc.)? The answer he was looking for- nothing.

Some of these poor people in the U.S. have lost everything they own. What a disaster! I am sitting alone (except for two dogs) in my home in New Mexico. I am feeling sorry for myself because most of my family don't even speak to me anymore. I do have one son and a grandson who speak to me, but that's about it. I have a few Facebook friends still communicating, which is good and I appreciate them.

I am thinking back in my life and wondering just why I deserve this situation. Perhaps it is because I have always said what I feel and it pisses people off. I"m wondering what is the point of being on earth if you are going to keep your mouth shut? There are people who constantly mouth off and it makes you wonder what planet they live on. I don't put myself in that category, but one can't live 87 years without having an opinion about things.

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