Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A change of thought

I remember my ex husband telling someone that Thomas, my hypnotist, was the reason for our divorce. After twenty some years I realize he was right, but not in the way he thought. The hypnotist not only ended my nicotine addiction but caused me to have a  new way of thinking, eliminating all the negative things that had held me back, including a 27 year marriage to a dedicated alcoholic, who was also a lire. Another good thing the hypnotist did was to loan me his copy of  Richard Bach's Illusions. Reading the book began a career of writing myself. I wasn't prepared for all that was ahead of me. 

So my ex husband was right! Thomas was the reason for our divorce. My ex died in 2016, so that is how that was supposed to turn out. 

Friday, September 6, 2024


As I was handing my ear specialist a photo that I had promised him I said, "I just wanted you to know I do more than write." He replied, "Most creative people have more than one talent!" I said, "I don't think I knew I was creative until after my second divorce." A lady in the waiting room laughed at that.

I thought about what he said all day and it occurred to me that it was after my divorce that I began to write and take really good photographs, many containing spirit images. It is really odd that it makes me happy to give my work away instead of receiving payment for it. It is the reason I was a columnist for our local paper and loved the interviews I did. It made people in the community aware of who the subject was. When I led writing camps for children I really wanted to inspire them to use their intuition to write. Again I received no money for these efforts.

So thank you Chris for making me aware that I am a creative person.