Saturday, June 29, 2024

A new device

I had my hearing tested yesterday to fit new hearing aids. I was happy to know that my hearing had not changed much, but the device had, over 11 years, Considering the cost, it will be interesting to see if they work better!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


As I was shopping yesterday two different customers said hello and acted like they knew me. Although I don't recall their names it made me feel as if I might have made a little difference in their lives. You just never know how much a simple hello can mean in the life of someone else.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

And then

I took a break from posting my thoughts because it appeared that nobody was listening. I could be wrong, I sometimes am. I didn't want to close my blog because then I would loose everything I have posted since 2009. Not a good idea.

In the last month I have begun a new online group- Picture This. It has 15 members so far. The purpose is to post pictures and comment if they wish. We will see how that goes for awhile.