Monday, October 14, 2024

A New Book

A long time friend has decided to write a book, but she is having trouble getting started. I decided to help her and anyone else in the same boat by offering some suggestions.I never started out with the intention of being a writer, it just happened when the time was right. So these are my suggestions for my friend.

First begin with a working title. It can always be changed later. I always use my computer to write because it makes it simple to edit as you go. You need a strong first sentence to capture the attention of readers. You also need a good ending sentence to cause readers to think for themselves.

Now then, the first thing I would do is come up with a simple outline. Do you want to use chapters or just write as your words flow? I usually don't use an index because it takes up unwanted space. Always pay attention to messages that come out of the blue. They could be from your guide or soul mind, meant to help you. Another always is don't be afraid to use real life experiences to illustrate your thoughts. 

Read your work as a reader, not as a writer. If it doesn't make sense, change it. Just pretend you are talking to a friend. 

Those are my basic suggestions, now to see if she actually gets started with her book!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Remembering a question.

After viewing the damage done in Florida it reminded me of a question a Priest once asked. The question- If your house was burning down what would you take with you (except pets etc.)? The answer he was looking for- nothing.

Some of these poor people in the U.S. have lost everything they own. What a disaster! I am sitting alone (except for two dogs) in my home in New Mexico. I am feeling sorry for myself because most of my family don't even speak to me anymore. I do have one son and a grandson who speak to me, but that's about it. I have a few Facebook friends still communicating, which is good and I appreciate them.

I am thinking back in my life and wondering just why I deserve this situation. Perhaps it is because I have always said what I feel and it pisses people off. I"m wondering what is the point of being on earth if you are going to keep your mouth shut? There are people who constantly mouth off and it makes you wonder what planet they live on. I don't put myself in that category, but one can't live 87 years without having an opinion about things.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

A first poem

 I didn't really like poetry until a friend said it was just another way of telling a story. This is my first poem.


Children are angels in disguise

Learning to live learning to love

If they didn't make mistakes now and then,

They'd have wings and halos and fly.

Barbara L. Gunn 1999

Thursday, September 26, 2024

National Daughter Day

Today is National Daughter Day. I waited twenty years to have a daughter, after two sons. It has been 13 years since my only daughter has communicated. She even moved to another state without telling me. It is interesting considering how many things I did for her. I suppose that really doesn't matter when one can only see one side of the coin. I suppose I did more for her than I should have, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I was probably trying to make up for the fact that my mother was too busy working to care about me. I don't think she ever wanted to be a mother. Anyway today I am celebrating that I have a daughter even though she doesn't care about me.

Happy Daughter's Day Christina Marie!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A change of thought

I remember my ex husband telling someone that Thomas, my hypnotist, was the reason for our divorce. After twenty some years I realize he was right, but not in the way he thought. The hypnotist not only ended my nicotine addiction but caused me to have a  new way of thinking, eliminating all the negative things that had held me back, including a 27 year marriage to a dedicated alcoholic, who was also a lire. Another good thing the hypnotist did was to loan me his copy of  Richard Bach's Illusions. Reading the book began a career of writing myself. I wasn't prepared for all that was ahead of me. 

So my ex husband was right! Thomas was the reason for our divorce. My ex died in 2016, so that is how that was supposed to turn out. 

Friday, September 6, 2024


As I was handing my ear specialist a photo that I had promised him I said, "I just wanted you to know I do more than write." He replied, "Most creative people have more than one talent!" I said, "I don't think I knew I was creative until after my second divorce." A lady in the waiting room laughed at that.

I thought about what he said all day and it occurred to me that it was after my divorce that I began to write and take really good photographs, many containing spirit images. It is really odd that it makes me happy to give my work away instead of receiving payment for it. It is the reason I was a columnist for our local paper and loved the interviews I did. It made people in the community aware of who the subject was. When I led writing camps for children I really wanted to inspire them to use their intuition to write. Again I received no money for these efforts.

So thank you Chris for making me aware that I am a creative person.

Saturday, August 31, 2024


Today my only daughter is 45. She moved to another state without a word and hasn't spoken to me in years. I was 42 when I gave birth to her. I remember the trip from New Laguna to Albuquerque to Presbyterian Hospital. Today I wonder if I would have been better off having an abortion like one of my friends did. She joined two older brothers from a previous marriage. I thought giving my then husband a child of his own would be reason for him to stop drinking. Wishful thinking!

Anyway today I wish her a happy birthday and hope she is happy with the life she has chosen!